Arts and Entertainment

Illustration of a plague mask with comic style words and images drawn on it

MASKED exhibition opens at University Park

An exhibition exploring the complexities of “masking” will take place at Penn State Jan. 12 to March 2, in 125 Borland Building, University Park campus. "MASKED" is a collaboration between William Doan, professor of theater and director of the Penn State Arts & Design Research Incubator (ADRI) in the College of Arts and Architecture; Dr. Michael Green, professor of humanities and medicine, physician and bioethicist, chair of the Hospital Ethics Committee, director of the Program in Bioethics, Departments of Humanities and Internal Medicine, Penn State College of Medicine; and Emily Steinberg, lecturer in fine art at Penn State Abington, artist in residence at Drexel College of Medicine, and visual narrative editor for Cleaver Magazine.